Taking a closer look.

What are people creating in Google Sketch-Up? Looking into the 3D Warehouse of this design world.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wk3 Reading: Art of Possibility

As I read through the chapters I find this book unlike any of the texts from my previous classes. I've never been a strong reader and don't consider myself an avid novel reader. I do enjoy reading about real-life not so much history but how an event impacts our personal world and the ripple effect on the ones around us. I would normally pass on a self-help book but do not have any reasons why. The art of possibility has an intriguing approach and definitely has drawn me in. I consider myself an optimistic person willing to accept my failures and look at how I can use this to move forward. The book has definitely allowed me to look at myself but also view myself and how I impact others almost as if I was a third party. My wife follows a Buddhist path and I come from the school of thought that spiritual is in the eye of the beholder. So I think I have a different take on many things but this book definitely allows me to relate to my inner passion and energizes me to use that passion. I truly am still absorbing what it is but I'm enjoying this path the book and our course is taking me on.

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