Taking a closer look.

What are people creating in Google Sketch-Up? Looking into the 3D Warehouse of this design world.

Friday, October 1, 2010

W1 Reading

Hacker, M., & Burghardt, D. (2008). Hofstra bedroomdesign packet. Hofstra bedroomdesign packet. Retrieved October 1, 2010, from http://www.hofstra.edu/pdf/Academics/Colleges/SOEAHS/ctl/ctl_informeddesign_004.pdf


  1. David, really cool flash mind mapping feature. This is great!

  2. This mind map was produced with free software from http://bubbl.us.
    It shows a general connection between the curriculum to key components. The first one infusing mathematics into the architectural drafting curriculum. It's broken down into its basic elements of geometry, percentage, and measurement and how they are moving towards a real-world hands-on project. the core of the mind map identifies components in area in square footage, windows must equal 20% of the floor area, and the use of scaled drawings the floor plan to create a model. closing out the mind map with the free and open source software from Google called Sketch Up. This allows users to quickly gather information and look at the big picture of how these things work together to produce a final hands-on project.

  3. David, this is a really cool visual mind map. I like this idea! Question, are you a Math teacher by any chance? If you are, are you currently using this tool in your class and if so what results have you found from its application? Are the kids more motivated and are you seeing improved test scores through hand on technology learning? Would love to hear from you. Thanks and enjoy your Sunday.

  4. Laurie,
    A math teacher I am not but a Technology Education Teacher. In New Hampshire Tech. Ed. is not a core subject but it has been my goal to support students in all areas. My search for who is using Google Sketchup I have found a group who support 8th grade math students in the technology classroom. Making connections from one class to the next in a students life is going to improve understanding of why they learn the topic and how it can be applied to the real world. It is clear to me that students are motivated by the challenge of creating 3D models. We will see if this will make long lasting math connections and how it may or my not improve test scores.
